Hybrid: A.M. Book Group

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Program Description


The title for this month is The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton.

A portrait of American manners and morals at the turn of the century offers the saga of Lily Bart, a beautiful heroine who although being nurtured and trained to marry well both socially and economically, lacks one requirement for marrying well in New York society--her own money.

The A.M. Book Discussion Group meets in person with an option to participate via Zoom on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am. *Please note the May alternate meeting date due to the Memorial Day holiday. This book group does not meet in December. New readers are always welcome. Tom Madden is the facilitator.

*You may also choose to attend the program online. Everyone who registers below will receive the Zoom link.

Many of the book discussion titles can be downloaded via the Library's Hoopla or Libby accounts. Check for video instructions on using Hoopla. Personal copies can also be purchased at Books on the Common at a 15% discount.

If you are participating by Zoom and have not received your Zoom link by the day before the program please contact the Adult Services staff at 203.438.2282 ext. 201.




The Library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the Library.

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