Introduction to Babysitting

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Age Group:

Grades 6–8, Teens
Registration for this event will close on July 27, 2024 @ 10:00am.
Allowed Ages: 10 to 18
There are 16 seats remaining.

Program Description


Babysitters have the responsibility of caring for children and making important decisions while they are in charge. Parents entrust their child with the babysitter, therefore, it is crucial they know the basics of child care.

In this Introduction to Babysitting Course, participants will learn interviewing tips, communication skills, ages and stages of young babies and toddlers, safety and first aid tips, and feeding and caring for children, including diaper changing.

A simple test will be administered at the completion of the course and certificates of completion will be distributed.

Participants are asked to bring something to write with and a notebook or paper to write on. There will be a break midway through, so participants are welcome to bring a snack to eat during that time.



The Library makes every effort to ensure our programs can be enjoyed by all. If you have any concerns about accessibility or need to request specific accommodations, please contact the Library.


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